This 18th of June, we saw the stablishment of a new set of rules by the world hegemon with it’s enemies and satrapies.
In a summit between the United states of America (USA) and the Russian Federation saw an unprecedented move since the dissolution of the USSR and the ascendancy of the USA to hegemony.
The Ucranian debacle, short comings of American diplomacy
The Russian Federation, after 3 years of battle with the Ucranian Republic, managed to bring the west to the negotiation table. This war which started in 2022 as tensions dormant since the seizure of Crimea in 2014 flared up with the further encroaching of western influence in the russian sphere of power, has left the Ucranian state in the verge of bankrupcy, with 20% of it’s territory in Russian hands and incalculable human and material damage. But how did a war in the heart of Europe, the first since the yugoslav wars of the 90’s come to pass?
The decline of American power in the world
After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, America saw itself as sole world hegemon, and thus managed to set up a web of global trade revolving around world street, and as a way to secure it’s place as the worlds only superpower, crowned itself as the worlds police, involving itself with conflicts ranging from the sands of the Sahel, to the jungles of Myanmar.
But, with the Russian Federation, clawing itself from Chrony capitalistic backwater status, into a new age, forged by the Putin camarilla, and a rapidly industrializing People’s Republic of China (PRC), during the decade of the 2010’s. The american empire could no longer span the world, and thus it had to redraw it’s borders into more comprehensible positions.
Thus we saw under the first term of President Donald Trump abandon the middle East (Except for the state of Irsael of course) and thus countries like Iraq, lebannon, Palestine, and until very recently Syria, fell into Iranian influence. In the Far east we have seen the rising tiger of the PRC snatch allies of the USA left and right, such as Pakistan (which in 2011 facilitated the elimination of Bin Laden), as well as imposing its economic power in the indochina region, up to a point that the only allies of the USA in the Asia region being India, Vietnam and South Korea. With the Japanese state starting to warm up relations with the PRC very recently.
«Why die for Kiev?» The Russian stake into Ukraine
This leaves us with the European theatre, which according to american foreign policy has since the 1940s been it’s top priority. With the passing of the soviet state into history in the 90’s, America, under the Bush administration sought to spand NATO into the heart of eastern europe, much to the dismay of the Kremlin.
The ascension of the likes of Poland, Romania, Hungary and the baltic countries into NATO and the European Union posed an existential threat to the security of a now weaker Russian Federation, (said as thus because the soviet union was a continuation of the Russian Empire diplomaticaly wise).
During the development of a Historical Russia, it’s power has been meassured through the distance of its borders to the Oder-Carpathian line, this border ofering the best natural defence to the Russian State and thus shaping it’s political strategy.
The Encroachment of the west into Ukraine, with it’s courting and overtures during the 2014 colour (Maidan) revolution and the oustment of Pro-Russian president Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych kicked Russian into an invasion in 2014, taking Crimea, and stablishing the separatists states of Luhansk and Donestk.
It is congruent then that Russia does not see itself as fighting an imperialistic war of expansion, but protecting its interests and those of the Russian speaking component of Ukraine against western imperialism and expansion, whether or not this lecture is congruent is up to the interpretations of the time.
What negotiations supose to capital
The nature of a negotiation is that of parity of power, it is not a capitulation, or a military victory, a negotiation means acquiring the best outcome possible when the battlefield proves either non-advantageous or stagnant.
America, throught its innadecuate efforts to support Ukraine has failed to achieve a comprehensive victory in the field. If we take this into account and add the shameful retreat of Aghanistan in 2021 which more than probably emboldened Russia to revive the Ukranian conflict, we can understand that America as is cannot keep on existing, we might see in the all too near future a situation akin that of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century, an ongoing process of cristalization, the expanisve forces of the 20th century have come and gone.
Whether we see America retreat to the other side of the Vistula, flee to the Rhine, or abandon Europe all together is yet to be decided (of course, for the development of the revolutionary spirit proper it is necessary to liberate Europe from the stain of capital).
What is important however is what America coming to the negotiation table in a conflict of what can be called the «edge of empire» supposes to the destruction of liberal-capitalist world hegemony.